Scholarships for Full-time Master degree studies

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania takes pleasure in offering Lithuanian state scholarships for full-time Master degree studies for nationals of the Republic of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Moldova, Japan, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, the State of Israel as well as foreigners of Lithuanian origin to study at Lithuanian higher education institutions. The scholarships are intended for full-time Master’s degree studies in Lithuania.

70 scholarships will be offered for the academic year 2017/2018:

  • A monthly scholarship and a benefit that covers the study cost is offered for the nationals of the Republic of Ukraine (40 grants altogether);
  • A monthly scholarship and a benefit that covers the study cost is offered for the nationals of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia and foreign citizens of Lithuanian origin (10 grants altogether);
  • A monthly scholarship is offered for the nationals of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Moldova, Japan, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, the State of Israel (20 grants altogether).

Eligibility requirements

1. Candidate must be a national of one of the following countries: the Republic of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Moldova, Japan, and the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, the State of Israel or a foreigner of Lithuanian origin.

2. Candidate must be a graduate of first-cycle (Bachelor degree) studies.

3. Candidate must have an official letter of acceptance for full-time Master degree studies from one of Lithuanian universities.

4. Candidate has to have good knowledge of Lithuanian, English or other language required to study the chosen study programme (the minimum B2 level of command of the language of instruction according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

5. A scholarship cannot be granted to a candidate who has already been awarded the Lithuanian State scholarship for full-time Master degree studies in Lithuania.

6. A scholarship cannot be granted to a candidate who is studying or planning to study an international joint degree programme when part of his/her studies (as mandatory mobility period) is going to be in the candidate’s home country.

Financial conditions

1.  All approved candidates will receive a monthly scholarship of 380 euros for the whole duration of the studies.

2. The benefit to cover the study cost will be offered only to the nationals of the Republic of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia and foreign citizens of Lithuanian origin.

The benefit is equal to the standard cost of studies when the study cost established by a higher education institution exceeds the standard study cost, or equal to the study cost payable for the studies, when the study cost established by a higher education institution does not exceed the standard study cost. When the study cost established by a higher education institution exceeds the standard study cost, a candidate having received a benefit has the duty to cover the difference between the study cost established by a higher education institution and the standard study cost.

Scholarships are paid throughout the study period (including periods of holidays), by transferring money on a monthly basis to a student’s personal bank account held in Lithuania.

The amount of the benefit is transferred into the bank account of a Lithuanian higher education institution, in which the student in question studies, twice per year (by 1 November for the autumn semester and by 1 April for the spring semester).

Information on tuition fees in Lithuania can be found here.

The financial support (a scholarship and/or benefit that covers the study cost) is terminated or reduced if a foreign student:

  • Stops his/her Master degree studies in a chosen university in Lithuania;
  • Does not start his/her Master degree studies in time;
  • Finishes his/her studies more than 6 days earlier than it was planned;
  • Has academic debts or takes an academic leave.

Required documents

A candidate for the Lithuanian State scholarship for full-time Master degree studies should apply through the online application system and attach the following documents as scanned enclosures as follows:

For the first selection round (DEADLINE: 10TH MAY, 2017):

1. A copy of valid identity document.

2. A document certifying the level of command of the language of instruction: a document issued by a competent institution certifying the minimum B2 level of command of the language of instruction according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

3. Motivation letter (must be filled in online).

Please prepare a motivation letter including the following information:

1. Describe your experience, achievements which are related to your chosen Master degree study programme in Lithuania.

2. Please explain why you chose the particular Master degree study programme and the particular higher education institution in Lithuania.

3. In your opinion, how will you benefit from studies in Lithuania in terms of your future career and personal development?

4. Why are you a suitable candidate for the Lithuanian State scholarship?

4. Two recommendations in Lithuanian, English or Russian (must be provided through the online application system or added to the application form as an attachment using this template form).

5. A copy of the confirmation letter issued by a Lithuanian higher education institution certifying that the candidate was admitted to or is studying a second-cycle full-time study programme, including the candidate’s name, surname, the study programme which the candidate studies and its state code, the candidate’s study period;

For the second selection round (DEADLINE: 10TH JULY, 2017) – ONLY for conditionally admitted candidates:

6. A document certifying the completed education at a higher education institution or adequate education (diploma and enclosure thereto) and its translation into Lithuanian, English or Russian. If a candidate completed first-cycle studies but was not issued a certificate (diploma and enclosure thereto), he/she can submit the certificate of a higher education institution based in a foreign country, specifying the study programme completed, courses or modules passed, their credits and assessments, the assessment of the final examination or theme of the final project and its assessment, and its translation into Lithuanian, English or Russian.

7. A copy of the study agreement between a candidate and a higher education institution in Lithuania.

Selection of the candidates

All eligible and complete applications are assessed by experts. The final decision on granting support to candidates will be based on:

  • Applicant’s motivation (30 %);
  • The level of command of the language of instruction (20 %);
  • Academic achievements (50 %).

When making a decision the submitted recommendations are also taken into consideration.

Candidates who applied for the scholarship will be informed about the decision (after the first selection round) by e-mail. ONLY conditionally approved candidates will be asked to submit additional documents for the second selection round. Persons who applied for support in the second selection round will be informed about the final decision on granting or refusing to grant support by e-mail.

Having considered the Commission’s suggestions, a reserve list of support beneficiaries will be drawn up and the candidates included into it would be offered the scholarship, provided a candidate from the approved list of support beneficiaries refused the granted support. In such case, the commencement as well as terms and conditions of scholarship payment will be established by making an amendment to the approved list of support beneficiaries. The scholarship would be paid until the completion of studies by the candidate. Candidates included into the reserve list of support beneficiaries will be notified about such decision by e-mail.


  • Please note that the scholarship application is separate from the application to Master’s degree programmes at Lithuanian higher education institutions: we highly recommend you to apply for Master degree studies first, afterwards – for the Lithuanian State scholarship.
  • Applications must be submitted online with enclosed documents in any of the following formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF.
  • All application documents must be submitted by the deadline. Please note that after the deadline no changes are possible. Incomplete applications or applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
  • Kindly note that no other documents than the listed enclosures will be considered.
  • Documents must be submitted only through the online application system. There’s no requirement to send them by post, fax or email.

Important dates for applicants for the academic year 2017/2018

1st March – 10th May 2017: first selection round;

Middle of June 2017: Notification of conditionally selected applicants (first selection round);

26th June – 10th July 2017: 2nd selection round (ONLY for conditionally selected applicants);

Beginning of August 2017: Notification of successful selected applicants (second selection round).

Important links:

Online system for applications.

The list of Lithuanian higher education institutions.

Contact information:

  • Education Exchanges Support Foundation Higher Education Programmes Unit
  • Adress Rožių al. 2, Vilnius LT-03106, Lithuania
  • Phone (+370~5) 261 0592
  • E-mail

Contact person:

  • Ms Jurgita Pilypaitytė Project coordinator
  • E-mail

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