Public lecture about French diplomacy

12310501_993987457328718_3717456583349753247_n[1]On 3rd May public lectures by Matthieu Grandpierron will be held at the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy. Lecturer will present French diplomacy and  the ways how France solve crisis in international arena.

Date Place Lectures
3 May, 13:15  Gedimino g. 44 – 203 “Is there a French way to solve crisis in developing countries?”
3 May, 16:15 Gedimino g. 44 – 202 “Protecting and developing interests. French diplomacy between change and continuity”

Lectures will be held in English.

R. van Voren – Dutch referendum a painful mistake

robert RLWhatever the outcome of the Dutch referendum on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement will be, the whole process has been very much enlightening and disheartening at the same time. The Dutch state spent forty million euro on a referendum that asked citizens to vote for or against an agreement virtually nobody read, very few really understood, concerning a country most people didn’t know anything about and where virtually none of the voters have ever been. In other words: whatever the people decided, it was a decision based on a total lack of what was at stake and with an avalanche of information that was often incomplete, tendentious or consisting of outright lies. In that respect, the referendum that was meant to be a highly democratic tool turned into a farce and an insult to democracy.

Of course, it all started on a wrong footing. The campaign to hold the referendum was organized by people who later acknowledged they didn’t care less about Ukraine but were only interested in destabilizing the European Union. Their ultimate goal was the departure of The Netherlands from the EU and for that Ukraine had to be sacrificed. The fact that the campaign was organized with a EU subsidy that should have not been used for this purpose was illustrative of the organizers’ nihilism, and later they managed through other tricks to accumulate four times the maximum campaign subsidy they were allowed to receive from the Dutch government.

This governmental subsidy was a farce it itself, because the committee that dispersed the funds had no interest in content but only looked at technicalities. The result was that a businessman managed to get 50,000 euro to print toilet paper with “information” against the agreement, which was again a concoction of half-truths, outright lies and a lot of information “from hearsay”, all focused on making people vote against. The organizers of the referendum again played a clever trick by claiming they campaigned “against’, “in favor” and “neutral”, thus amassing more funds by applying for subsidies for all three campaigns separately. That the “neutral” and ‘in favor” campaign materials were so cleverly written that they too evoked an “against” feeling was apparently not of importance.

Socialist Party MP and campaigner Harry van Bommel, who in spring 2014 stood on Maidan after the carnage and voiced his support for those who fought for freedom, now took a totally different party line. He campaigned “No, no, no” (as if one “no” is not fully understood) and to support his view he paraded a number of “patriotic Ukrainians” who helped explain to the Dutch voters that Ukraine was a divided country in civil war and that many Ukrainians were against this agreement. First there was a self-professed former neighbor of Yanukovich now living in The Netherlands. Then at party gatherings he decided to use the highly-criticized French propaganda film “Masks of the Revolution”, to show that Ukraine is run by a gang of corrupt, right-wing semi-fascist crooks. Subsequently he aired a clip by the separatist Aleksei Zhuravko, a former MP of the Party of Regions who is now hiding from the SBU because of collecting financial support for the separatists and who continues to this very day to post photos of Ukrainian troop movements in social media in order to inform the enemy of their whereabouts and strength. Anything to feed his “no” campaign, irrespective of the content.

And thus the level of the debate continued to sink. Dutch media tried to remain “neutral”, balancing views from both sides. But this not only concerned views in The Netherlands, also Ukrainian views “against” should be put on an equal level as views “in favor”. A Dutch journalist complained to me that she had been sent to Kyiv to interview a Ukrainian “in favor”, “neutral” and “against”. But where to find an “against” here, she sighed. So she went to the DNR, sure she would find one over there. That three-quarters of the Ukrainians are in favor of this Association Agreement was carried by only few media.

This latter problem – the overwhelming urge to be “neutral” – is hard to explain. The notion that “the truth is in the middle” has taken on such huge proportions that taking sides and supporting a cause have almost become “unhealthy”. One factor that plays a role, I think, is the fact that many experts of the region are either Russia based, or have families in Russia, or are Russia-oriented, and so often they look at the Russo-Ukrainian war with “Russian eyes” or at least under strong influence of Russian media and public opinion. What they don’t understand is that Putin’s Russia is not Russia, but a country gang-raped by 75 years of communism and subsequently hijacked by one of the worst rapists, the KGB. So while dissident Russian writer Vladimir Voinovich makes his choice and openly states he will not visit Crimea as long as it is occupied even though his parents are buried there, they continue to be “neutral” and support the Moscow-induced view that there is a civil war in Ukraine and that the country is run by a corrupt clique that romances with right-extremism. Their views have an impact, because they are “experts” and thus they should know. And in the sea of total ignorance their well- worded opinions are swallowed almost without criticism.

The campaign for the referendum has triggered the worst possible discussions and debates in social media. Naively, I always thought that the Dutch after 400 years of democracy had at least a certain minimal standard. That view has been totally crushed. What I saw passing by was worse than I could have imagined in my worst dreams. It was much worse than the shouts of the mob in Vilnius in 2011 during the gay parade in the city, which I then ascribed to being in a post-totalitarian country still learning the ropes of democracy. Well, in Lithuania the climate has changed, and much for the better. There they know what lack of freedom means, they understand the necessity of defending it, at all costs.

In Holland it seems the past is long forgotten and the cosy life in an affluent country has made people greedy, self-serving, egocentric and above all fundamentally dissatisfied. They are convinced they are entitled to have only the best and that the whole world is crouching upon them in order to take away that what is “rightfully theirs”: Muslims, Poles, corrupt politicians, and now another 45 million Ukrainians. They repeat slogans about “right wing extremists” and “fascists” in Ukraine, without realizing that their populist leaders are faithful pupils of Mussolini and the like, and that their “popular resistance” has the same elements as politics in Germany in the late 1930s.

To me the referendum has been a very painful confrontation with the country in which I grew up. It was a liberal country, a country with free people, open-hearted, welcoming and with a very vibrant community of people working in charities and aid organizations, either as volunteer or as a professional calling. The Netherlands I saw these past weeks are a total opposite. I am ashamed of the Dutch who voted against Ukraine, who do not understand the price of freedom, who do not understand the psychological importance of knowing there are others by your side. It goes too far to say the country needs a little war to wake up, but deep down I cannot resist that nasty feeling. 70 years of peace have turned a nation into a wobbling overfed Christmas turkey. Poor country, and poor Ukraine that sees its integration into the European family threatened by this self-indulging lot.

Dr. G. Šumskas: The World Politics and Economy program will let students keep pace with the world

Last DSC_4333year was very special for the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, as the new World Politics and Economy program was introduced. This program is special in the sense that graduates receive a double bachelor‘s degree – in politics and economy. One of the program‘s organizers, Dr. Gintaras Šumskas, has shed some light on some of the details of this new subject.

What ongoing processes and factors inspired the creation of this new program?

This new program was prompted from both inside and outside influences. The best inside motivators were the students themselves. Quite a few politics students wanted to take economics classes as their side subject. We made the assumption that the combination of political science and economy made students feel like they can analyze the field of the world on a broader perspective.

The outside motives are a bit harder to determine: the wish to keep up with the world, globalization and the contraction of the world could be described as possible motivations. The fast pace of the world makes us want to adapt. The coordination of political science and economy is competitive and a brand new proposition in university studies. We pay special attention to international opportunities in the World Politics and Economy program. This is because we expect to engage and expand in international studies and occupational opportunities.

What are the main goals and results of the new program, and how are they different from other social study subjects?

We emphasize the examination of political and economic processes on a global scale. We do not settle for one of the regions. During the course we pay less attention to communal politics and instead analyze country politics in the world context. International politics and economy studies will allow us to spring from current frameworks and see the world on a different, global, dimension.

Students who graduate will receive a double bachelor’s degree; how will this affect the popularity of this subject?

A program of this nature will be different from the others offered in Lithuania, as it allows international students to also take classes. Graduates will indeed receive a double degree – in political science and economy. Students will have the opportunity to commit an eight week long internship in either a Lithuanian or any other international organization or institution.

What career opportunities can the graduates expect to have?

 A double degree with concrete qualifications will potentially present more career options in the job market. Graduates will carry a much bigger analytic knowledge,  which will let them adapt and quickly develop in any  professional environment.

Europe on the Brink: Addressing the Refugee Crisis

ref-300x200On Tuesday 15 March, 6 p.m., at VMU Small Hall (28 S. Daukanto g.) United Nations Student Club and Kaunas International Medical Student’s Union are organizing a discussion entitled Europe on the Brink: Addressing the Refugee Crisis.

The discussion will focus on the future of both the EU as a supranational organization and the refugees who are fleeing wartorn countries. The number of refugees entering Europe is increasing daily, which is creating tension and conflict among EU members while decisions about policies of integration are coming up against policies of refoulement.

Before the discussion, the organizers will present brief, informative case studies of 6 countries who are very much entrenched in the refugee crisis. In these case studies the participants will analyze asylum policies in place, the number of refugees entering the country, the opinions of local residents towards the refugees, and any violence perpetrated against the refugees or by the refugees. They will also discuss how the refugee crisis is challenging/changing political borders (Schengen) and how immigration is causing difficulties within European society (cultural clashes, existing violence, the rise of far right movements, etc.). Furthermore, the way the media portrays the crisis will be examined, as well as how that perpetrates a certain image of the refugees.

The following countries will be presented and discussed: Greece, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Lithuania.

The discussion will be held in English.

Event page on Facebook

Ambassador of Czech Republic to Hold Lecture at VMU

nuotrauka-2a-300x200On 4.15 p.m., 15 March 2016, a public lecture by H. E. Ambassador of the Czech Republic Bohumil Mazánek will be held at the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy (44 Gedimino g., Room 202, Kaunas) entitled “Contemporary Czech Foreign Policy and Presidency of the Visegrad Group”.

H. E. Ambasador Bohumil Mazánek graduated from the Institute of International Relations in Moscow. He has worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Asia Department), also, as the Attaché and Chargé d’Affaires in the Embassy in Vientiane, as the Attaché, Third Secretary and Chargé d’Affaires in the Embassy in New Delhi, as the First Secretary andChargé d’Affaires in the Embassy in Bangkok, as Deputy Director in the Asia Department of MFA, Prague, as the Consul General in the Consulate General in Katowice, Poland, and in Shanghai, PR of China.

The lecture is organised by VMU Department of Political Science.

The lecture will be held in English.

More information is provided by Mindaugas Norkevičius (

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Professor from the U.S. Will Discuss U.S. Presidential Elections of 2016

downloadOn March 8th, 2016 Vytautas Magnus University students will have an extraordinary opportunity to hear dr. Paul Sracic’s lecture ‘‘The 2016 Presidential Election and U.S. Foreign Policy‘‘. Paul Sracic is Professor and Chair of the Department of Politics and International Relations at Youngstown State University in Ohio.

Dr. Sracic was selected as 2009 Fulbright Scholar in Japan, and spent a year teaching at the University of Tokyo. Dr. Sracic holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University, and an A.B. in Political Science and Economics from Albright College.  Dr. Sracic has given lectures at the U.S. Embassies in Tokyo, Beijing, and Brussels. He has also been interviewed on CNN and NPR.  In 2015, he recorded a TEDx talk entitled Ohio, the Swing State.

During the lecture professor will share his insights about U.S. president elections of 2016: voting system, candidates and their campaigns, implications of U.S. presidential elections to U.S. foreign policy.

The lecture will be held in VMU, Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy in Gedimino g. 44, room 302, 13 o‘clock.  The lecture will be held in English.

Competition for the Erasmus+ Traineeship Grants


All fulltime degree students who would like to participate in the competition for Erasmus+ student or Erasmus+ recent graduate traineeship scholarships should submit their application documents until 24-04-2016.

Only last year students can participate in the competition for Erasmus+ recent graduate scholarships. Students who have already used more than 10 months of their Erasmus studies / placement mobility in the study cycle they are studying now, cannot participate in the competition. Non EU citizens must acquire TRP or RP before the start of the Traineeship.

Application Documents:

  • application form;
  • confirmation of the host organization / enterprise (according to the International Office confirmed form);
  • recommendation of the faculty member (only for recent graduates traineeship).

Selection Criteria:

  • student’s motivation;
  • good knowledge of the language which will be used during the traineeship;
  • student’s work, study, traineeship, participation in the international / academic projects, social activities experience in Lithuania and abroad;
  • conformability between the chosen traineeship and student’s study programme;
  • study results (first year master degree students should attach transcript of records of their bachelor / master degree to the application form).

Priority is given:

  • to students whom placement is an obligatory part of their study programme;
  • to students who have never been Erasmus placement student before.

Placement period – from 2 to 4 months (the latest date of the ending: for student traineeship – 30-09-2016, for recent graduates – in a year after graduation).

Application forms and more information can be found in VMU web site: Competition results will be sent to every participant via e-mail as well as published in the VMU web site and Information boards on the 4th of May, 2016.

Students with disabilities or special needs are eligible for extra funding to cover extra cost occurring (due to disability or special need) during the mobility. Please contact the coordinator.

Pardubice University Delegates Are Visiting VMU

2_81-300x200In 17-18 February, a delegation from the University of Pardubice (Czech Republic) are visiting Vytautas Magnus University.

The visiting guests from the University of Pardubice are Vice-Rector for Development Professor Petr Vorel, Professor Karel Rydl from the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and Professor Milena Lenderová from the Institute of Historical Sciences.

During the visit, the delegation will meet with VMU Rector Prof. Juozas Augutis, the deans and vice-deans of the faculties of Social Sciences, Economics and Management, the Humanities, and Politics and Management. Possibilities of cooperation will be discussed and the memorandum of understanding will also be signed. At the end of their stay, representatives of the University of Pardubice will also present the possibilities of exchange to VMU students.




Prof. Robert Frost to Discuss Polish-Lithuanian Union

1419360178_by_kisiel_500a1-195x130On 1.30 p.m., 4 March, Professor Robert Frost from the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) will hold a public lecture at the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy (44 Gedimino St., Room 202) entitled “The Polish-Lithuania Union: Success or Failure?”.

Prof. Robert Frost was born and brought up in Edinburgh, educated at St Andrews University, the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. His research interests include Polish history; war, state and society in the Baltic 1558-1721. Prof. Robert Frost held the Burnett Fletcher Chair in History at Aberdeen since 2013. In 2009 he was awarded a three-year Research Chair by the British Academy and the Wolfson Foundation for history of the Polish-Lithuanian union.

The lecture is co-organised by Polish institute in Vilnius, British Council in Lithuania.

The lecture will be held in English.

More information: Mindaugas Norkevičius (e-mail –

Conference “Europe, Nations, and Insecurity: Challenges to Identities”

DSC_2672Vytautas Magnus University in cooperation with the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) is pleased to announce the joint conference “Europe, Nations, and Insecurity: Challenges to Identities”.

The Conference will be held on 30 June – 2 July 2016 in Kaunas, Lithuania

The panels of the conference will embrace a wide range of topics related to the political and economic situation in all regions of Europe. A serious consideration will be given not only to the persistent problem of state aggression and ethnic conflicts, but also to the newly emerging threats, challenges, and insecurities. These new uncertainties create serious threats for world stability and over the past years have become the only certainty in the modern world. Due attention will also be given to contested and challenged identities, ranging from Baltic, Nordic Eastern, Central and other European to all world’s regions and nationalities, be these identities state-controlled and manipulated or sporadically emerging and self-asserting. Programmatic themes encompass Nationalism Studies, Memory and Culture Studies, Migration and Diasporas, History, Politics, Gender Studies, Ethnicity and Violence, Minority Rights, Energy Security, Language, Literature and Education, Public Diplomacy, etc.

Conference panels will be organized according to the national and regional foci:

  • Central and Eastern Europe
  • The Baltic region
  • The Balkans
  • Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and the Caucasus
  • Middle East and Central Eurasia

The conference is organised by the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy of Vytautas Magnus University.

For more detail information visit here.