Apply Now: BA and MA Degree Studies at VMU

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) welcomes international students to apply for 11 Bachelor and 21 Master degree study programmes in the English languageApplication deadline for studies in the 2018/2019 academic year is 10 June. Application submissions have to be sent online.

This year VMU offers a wide range of study programmes in the English language, including interdisciplinary, joint, international programmes with foreign partners and others. The programmes are taught in Kaunas or Vilnius. Applications and admissions are managed by the International Cooperation Department.

Bachelor Study Programmes at the Faculty of Political science and diplomacy

Updated available BA study programmes include  International Politics and Development studiesWorld Politics and Economy

At MA level, students can apply for  East Asia Region Studies, , DiplomacyDiplomacy and International RelationsJournalism and Media IndustriesThe Interdisciplinary Master’s in East European Research and Studies (MIREES).

State Grants for Full-Time MA Studies

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania has opened a call for applications for 70 Lithuanian state grants funding full-time Master degree or Integrated studies at Lithuanian higher education institutions in the academic year 2018/2019. The funding under the Call shall be provided to the nationals of the Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Japan, China, South Korea and Israel and foreigners of Lithuanian origin.

All approved candidates will receive a monthly scholarship of 380 euros for the whole duration of the studies. The cost of the full-time MA degree studies will be covered (up to the limit not exceeding the national standard cost of studies) only for the nationals of the Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia and foreign citizens of Lithuanian origin.

More about state grants

More information about studies at VMU

  • International Cooperation Department
  • Address (visiting)V. Putvinskio g. 23, Room 213 (visiting address)
  • Address (postal)K. Donelaičio g. 58, LT-44248 Kaunas, Lithuania
  • E-mail

Public Lectures by prof. Alpo Rusi

VMU visiting professor Alpo Rusi, who previously served as Finnish Ambassador and political adviser to Finnish President M.Ahtisaari, will give public lectures at the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy:

February 21, 13.15 ,  Gediminas street 44, auditorium 303. Lecture : ”Finlandisation- a threat or a salvation during the Cold War and After”

February 22, 11.00, Gediminas street 44, auditorium 203. Lecture: United Nations’ General Assembly: decision making and diplomacy from personal experience ”

Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland has granted a one-off fund of 20 000 euros for the Rudolf Holsti named Professorship at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania, in the Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy.

Vytautas Magnus University has appointed Dr. Alpo Rusi, Ambassador emeritus, Adjunct Professor at Helsinki University, to this named Professorship. Dr. Rusi has been a visiting professor at Vytautas Magnus university since March 2016.

As countries in the Baltic Sea region Finland and Lithuania have common interests both in security policy as well as in the European union. The named professorship will promote the common knowledge about issues related to the Baltic Sea co-operation in particular for the future challenges. It also will facilitate the deepening of co-operation between the universities of our two countries.

“Ambassador Alpo Rusi has a long and meritorious career in the Finnish foreign service as well as in the international assignments benefitting Finland. His appointment to the Rudolf Holsti named professorship to Kaunas is a valuable step for Finland and Lithuania”, Foreign Minister Timo Soini has stated.

The launching of the professorship will promote the knowledge concerning Rudolf Holsti (1881-1945) and his lifetime achievements as foreign minister of Finland during the early years of Finland’s independence 1919-22 and during the difficult times in the years 1936-38. He also served his country as a Special Envoy to Riga, Tallinn, Bern and the League of Nations between 1919 and 1940.

Public Lecture About Propaganda and Misinformation

Department of Political Science would like to announce a public lecture Living on the information front line: Lithuanian experience with hostile propaganda and Misinformation

Lecture will be held by Tomas Čeponis, Senior Specialist of  Department of Strategic Communication in Lithuanian Armed Forces.

All students are welcome to public lecture, which will take place on 19th of February, at 4.15 pm., in 311 room, Putvinskio 23, at Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy.



Public Lecture about Hybrid Threats

Department of Political Science would like to announce a public lecture Hybrid threats: is it reality or fiction? How are European Union institutions and different countries protecting against hybrid threats?

Lecture will be held by Eitvydas Bajarūnas, Ambassador – at – Large for Hybrid Threats of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, Member of Steering Board of the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats in Helsinki.

All students are welcome to public lecture, which will take place on 12th of February, at 11.15 am., in 311 room, Putvinskio 23, at Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy.

VMU Opened Research Centre Named After A. Sakharov

On 18 December, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) hosted the grand opening of its new subdivision, Andrei Sakharov Research Centre for Democratic Development. Focusing on issues of human and civil rights, the centre will conduct research into the politics in Central and Eastern European countries analyzing whether they fulfill their international commitments to protect human and civil rights.

Andrei Sakharov was one of the bravest critics of the Soviet regime who eventually became the symbol of the struggle for fundamental human rights. After gaining prominence as the inventor of the Soviet hydrogen bomb, the scientist became concerned about the consequences his invention would have on the humanity’s future and began raising awareness of the dangers of nuclear arms. In the USSR, Andrei Sakharov was seen as a dangerous dissident. His efforts contributed to the signing of the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1963 and the establishment of the Committee on Human Rights seven years later, which was the result of joint work by Sakharov and his peers. In recognition of his achievements, Sakharov was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1975. Because of the activist’s consistent attempts to liberate other Soviet dissidents and criticism of the regime, Sakharov was exiled to the isolated city of Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) in order to restrict his foreign connections. The European Parliament has established the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, which is awarded to individuals or organizations that fight for human rights and fundamental freedoms.


A discussion was held during the event by Sakharov’s daughter, researcher Tatiana Yankelevich from the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University (USA), political scientist and analyst Lilia Shevtsova from the Chatham House (UK), founders of the Moscow School of Civic Education Lena Nemirovskaya and Yury Senokosov (Russia), Co-Director of the Institute for Statecraft Chris Donnelly (UK), Senior Russia Analyst at Radio Free Europe Brian Whitmore (Czech Republic), Project Director of Freedom House Lithuania Vytis Jurkonis, Director of European Security Programme, Vilnius Institute for Policy Analysis Simas Čelutka, and VMU representatives.


PMDF absolventų susitikimas

2017 lapkričio 17d. Vytauto Didžiono universiteto (VDU) Politikos mokslų ir diplomatijos fakulteto (PMDF) absolventų susitikimas. Diskusija „Išsilavinimas 360 laipsnių kampu: asmenybės ir patirtys“. Diskusijoje dalyvauja PMDF absolventai: dvasininkas, diakonas Vincentas Lizdenis; restorano „Dine“ vadovas Arminas Darasevičius; dainininkė, portalo CatFly vadovė Živilė Povilaitytė; Lukas Jankauskas – „INTERMEDIX“ direktorius ir Dr. Ernesta Buckienė. Diskusiją moderuoja LRT žurnalistė ir laidų vedėja Agnė Kairiūnaitė. Video medžiaga: PMDF studentai Ričardas Mikavičius ir Rūta Beinoriūtė

Centenary of Independence of Finland: experts’ discussion

On the 18th of December experts’ discussion devoted to reminiscing and analyze the centenary of the independence of Finland took place at the Faculty of political science and diplomacy of Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas.

His Excellency Mr. Christer Michelsson, Finnish Ambassador to Lithuania,  Mr. Henrik Meinander, professor of Helsinki University, also researchers of Vytautas Magnus university-  dr. Linas Venclauskas, dr. Giedrius Janauskas, dr. Sima Rakutienė, dr. Tomasz Blaszcak and others –  discussed Finnish role in the region, historical and political relations with Sweden and Russia, socio-political transformations of  Finnish society.

Professor Henrik Meinander presented his book „A History of Finland: directions, structures, turning points“. The book highlights how Finland “gradually transformed and maturing into a conscious nation, independent state and skillful adapter of modern technology“.

Finnish Parliament declared the independence of the country on the 6th of December in 1917.

The event took place in V.Putvinskis st. 23 – 312, at 14.00.


More information: Vice- dean dr. Sima Rakutienė ( )


 The director of NATO Arms Control, Disarmament, and WMD Non-Proliferation Center William Alberque is going to visit Vytautas Magnus University’s Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy on the 16th and 7th of November, 2017. William Alberque is going to give public lectures as well as interact with students.

William Alberque is an expert on arms control, international relations, and national security who has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of strategic planning and strategic communication. Before becoming the director of NATO Arms Control, Disarmament, and WMD Non-Proliferation Center, Mr. Alberque was the director of European Security in the United States Department of Defence and the U.S. Department of State as an expert on disarmament.


Time Place Event

November 16th


Putvinskio g. 23-311  Lecture “Role of Multilateral Diplomacy in Contemporary World“

November 17th


Putvinskio g. 23-313 Lecture “NATO‘s Dynamics after Ukraine Crisis“

November 17th


Donelaičio g. 52-403 Lecture “NATO‘s Role in Interregional Cooperation“


The events are held and lectures are given in English.

Dr. Peck and Dr. J.D. Mininger will present their book

Dr. Jason Michael Peck (University of Rochester, U.S.A.)
“The Poetics of Debt: a Genealogy”

Following the lecture and subsequent discussion, Dr. Peck and Dr. J.D. Mininger will present their book German Aesthetics: Fundamental Concepts from Baumgarten to Adorno (2016, Bloomsbury).

Dr. Peck is a scholar of German-Jewish philosophy and comparative literature, formerly a professor in the department of Modern Languages and Literature at the University of Rochester, now a Research Fellow at the Center for Faith and Human Flourishing at LCC International University for 2017-2018. He is co-editor of German Aesthetics: Fundamental Concepts from Baumgarten to Adorno, author of articles on (among other topics) Kantian philosophy, Jewish contributions to German Idealism and early Romanticism, and political theology in the works of Paul Celan and Jacob Taubes. His lecture is drawn from a forthcoming book entitled The Poetics of Debt: Political Theologies From TheMerchant of Venice to the Occupy Movement (Brill).


Friday, Nov. 10, 3:30pm,  Room 106, Putvinskio str. 23

Public lecture about Ukrainian political tradition

Department of Political Science is inviting to public lecture  Hard ways to Ukrainian independence. The lecture will be given by Iurii Perga from Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

I.Perga Ukrainian historian, was born in Kyiv and finished Historical Faculty of Taras Shevchenko National University. Prepared and finished Ph.D. thesis at the Department of History in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Currently working as a senior lecturer in this Institute. Main field of academic interests – history of Ukrainian-Polish relations in the interwar period, history of civil initiations.

The public lecture will be held in English, on 13-th of November (Monday), at 11.15 am. (310 room, Putvinskio 23).