Master degree studies

Diplomacy and International Relations

Area of studies: Social Sciences
Field of studies: Political Sciences
Mode of Studies: Full-time studies
Length of Programme: 2 academic years (120 ECTS)
Name of Qualification: Master of Political Science

Head of the programme: dr. Mindaugas Norkevičius

Totally new and innovative degree programme Diplomacy and International Relations was launched in September 2001. It was prepared and organized with the support of the Seton Hall University (USA), School of International Relations and Diplomacy, as well as the presence of the support of Stasys Lozoraitis Fund. Currently this programme is one of the most popular graduate study programmes at Vytautas Magnus University. Since 2012 – 2013 academic year programme is taught entirely in English.

For further information check VMU webpage.

Future Media and Journalism

Area of studies: Social Sciences
Field of studies: Journalism
Language of studies: English
Mode of studies: Full-time studies, blended learning
Length of program: 1,5 academic year (90 ECTS)
Qualification: Master of Social Sciences

Study program committee: prof. Auksė Balcytiene (Chair), prof. Kristina Juraitė, prof. Audronė Nugaraitė, assoc. Prof. Ignas Kalpokas, Rūta Beinoriūtė (alumna, Media4Change project manager), Marija Jarusevičiūtė (student).

Advisory Committee:

The newly updated Master program in Future Media and Journalism applies multidisciplinary approach that combines competencies and skills of journalism (ideology of professionalism in a changing news ecology), emerging media technologies and hybrid content (text, audio-visual content, automated production, VR, AI) creation with informed analysis and problem solving of evolving societal questions.

The program aims at training of engaged media professionals open to societal challenges, possessing journalistic knowledge and expertise to adequately respond to various societal needs, to critically analyze the impact of mediated communications in the public life, and to initiate innovative news services and produce multimedia products.

Future Media and Journalism program nurtures entrepreneurial attitude: program graduates will acquire qualifications and a great diversity of skills and detailed professional competences ranging from the most general related to the comprehension of societal process to the most specific and subject (journalism and media) focused. Program alumni will be qualified to work in media and communications organizations, research and training institutions, media monitoring bureaus and market research companies. The Master’s Program in Future Media and Journalism qualifies for further studies, including PhD programs.

Journalism and Media Internship course (6 ECTS, organized during Summer semester) is included into the program to provide students with an opportunity to put their knowledge and skills into practice and gain on-the-job training in the field of journalism.

More information is available on VMU website of the study programme or can be received by contacting Program Chair prof. Auksė Balčytienė or Studies Coordinator Rūta Vainauskaitė.

Interdisciplinary research and studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES)

Area of studies: Social Sciences
Field of studies Political Sciences
Mode of Studies: Full-time studies
Length of Programme: 2 academic years (120 ECTS)
Name of Qualification: Master of Political Science, Joint degree

The Interdisciplinary Master’s In East European Research And Studies (MIREES) is a program that provides a joint diploma of the University of Bologna, St. Petersburg State University, Vytautas Magnus University and Corvinus University of Budapest. MIREES combines an academic approach with professional training, forging potential insightful consultants, analysts, and managers as Area Experts for international agencies, public administrations, private and public companies, and NGOs, while also offering a solid basis for further academic studies at the PhD level.

The programme is aiming at preparing professionals who are able to analyse, interpret, assess and manage problems concerning the international dimension particularly of political, economic and social phenomena in Eastern Europe. For this purpose, the program includes learning activities in economics, politological, historical, cultural studies, and languages of the region which are mutually integrated to provide an in-depth preparation on the operations of political, social and economic systems in the countries of Eastern Europe and their role in the international context. Master degree programme in Interdisciplinary research and studies on Eastern Europe combines different fields, expertises, methods and professional activities.
The first year of studies is spent at the University of Bologna (Forlì campus), while in the second year a compulsory mobility of a minimum of 5 months takes place at partner universities: St. Petersburg (Russia, St. Petersburg), Vytautas Magnus (Lithuania, Kaunas), Corvinus University (Hungary, Budapest), or at associated partner – Lublijana university.

MIREES is the only study programme in Europe, of such a composition. Most of the joint degree programmes are held with universities from the same country, and there are not many that are developed and implemented with the institutions from several countries. This programme is also one of the very few that is implemented not in the framework of Erasmus Mundus program. The development and implementation of international joint degree program is a huge challenge for the institutions and people who are involved not only in the teaching process, but mostly in the administration and management.

More information is available on the website of the programme or can be received by contacting the Academic Tutor of the course ( or the MIREES Secretariat (, phone +39 0543 374149).