Social and Political Critique Centre

Mission and goals:

To develop critical theory, political philosophy, to research activities of public intellectuals, to analyse contemporary political and cultural thinking, to reflect and critically evaluate social events and changes, which are related to historic memory, social inequality, gender equality, human rights, regional identity. Also the researchers of the centre have a mission to reflect and analyse geopolitical processes and to share the results publicly in conferences and publications.


  • Researches propaganda and disinformation applying critical theory and political philosophy;
  • Supervises doctoral students and their research;
  • Publishes articles and books related to political philosophy, critical theory and political science;
  • Organizes international and local conferences, takes participation;
  • Shares knowledge and comments new events in public media;
  • Analyses political, geopolitical and socioeconomic processes;
  • Has its own You Tube channel for video recordings for the program “Freely and Critically” – the program where invited public intellectuals, dissidents, and internationally acknowledged academics discuss geopolitical processes and political theory.

Main publications by the staff of the centre:

  • Mažeikis. The Rise of the Public Relations Man and the Decline of Soviet Intelligentsia after 1989. In: T. Kavaliauskas (ed.) Europe Thirty Years after 1989: Transformations of Values, Memory, and Identity. Leiden: Brill, 2021.
  • Mažeikis. Dvasios niekšybė: moralinės vaizduotės tyrimai [Spiritual Vilainy: Research of Moral Imaginary]. Vytautas Magnus University publisher, 2018.
  • Mažeikis. Propaganda ir simbolinis mąstymas [Propaganda and Symbolic Thinking]. Vytautas Magnus University publisher, 2010.
  • Kavaliauskas (ed.) Europe Thirty Years after 1989: Transformations of Values, Memory, and Identity. Leiden: Brill, 2021.
  • Kavaliauskas. Transformations in Central Europe between 1989 and 2012: Geopolitical, Cultural and Socioeconomic Shifts. Lexington Books, 2012.
  • Kavaliauskas (ed.). Conversations about Transcultural European Memory. Vilnius: Publishing House of Lithuanian University of Educational Science, 2014.

Recordings of the programs “Freely and Critically” in English: 

Recordings of the programs “Freely and Critically” in Russian: 


Putvinskio str. 23-610, LT-44243 Kaunas, Lithuania

Head of Social and Political Critique Centre, senior researcher

prof. habil. dr. Gintautas Mažeikis

Senior researcher of the centre dr. Tomas Kavaliauskas E-mail
Doctoral student  Azer Binnatli E-mail
Doctoral student  Murad Asgarov E-mail