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Documentary “Freedom on Fire: Ukraine’s Quest for Freedom” about the war in Ukraine

The U.S. Embassy in Lithuania together with Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) invites university community, Kaunas residents and guests to a free screening of documentary “Freedom on Fire: Ukraine’s Quest for Freedom”, on February 28, 11:15 a.m. at V. Putvinskio st. 23, room 106. The screening will b...

Mariupol State University Representatives Visit in VMU

From 1st to 9th of July 2022, VMU partner, the delegation of Mariupol State University represented by Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching (International Relations), Professor Olena Pavlenko, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Associate Professor Hanna Trifonova, Associate Professor of the D...

VMU signs Memorandum of Understanding with Mariupol University

During the meeting of the Rectorate of VMU on 4 May, The Rector of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Prof. Juozas Augutis signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The Rector of Mariupol State University (MSU) (Ukraine) Prof. Mykola Trofymenko. With this memorandum, universities undertake to carry ou...

Public lectures by foreign partners of the faculty

The Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy invites to public lectures by foreign partners of the faculty. During Erasmus Teaching Exchange Week ( May 2 - 5)  lecturers from Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Japan, Mexico and Romania will give lectures at the faculty: Visiting professor Un...

Online Discussion with the Scientists from Ukraine: The Role of Universities in Wartime

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy community highly condemns Putin's actions and supports Ukrainian colleagues.  VMU stands in solidarity with Ukraine and terminates all cooperation with Russian and Belarusian partners. On Wednesday, 23 March at 15:00 (Vilni...

Her Excellency the Ambassador of Slovenia Božena Forštnarič Boroje lecture

Her Excellency the Ambassador of Slovenia Božena Forštnarič Boroje will give a lecture on the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council in 2021. Tuesday, November 16, 11:30 - 12:30, on MS Teams platform Ambassador Božena Forštnarič Boroje headed the Human Rights Department at the Ministry of Foreign ...

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