CALL FOR ABSTRACTS. “Contemporary Political Processes: Challenges and Opportunities”
The 5th annual conference “Contemporary Political Processes: Challenges and Opportunities” will take place on 12th April, 2019, from 9:00 a.m.
It is organized by the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy and hosted by Vytautas Magnus University. The conference aims to advance studies on various fields within the discipline of political science and provide scholars with an opportunity to share their research.
Scholars are encouraged to submit their proposals within these thematic fields:
– Lithuania in the Global World: NATO and EU Aspects
– International and National Security
– Regional Studies;
– Challenges to Governance and Public Administration;
– News outlets, Social Media and Information Warfare;
– Comparative Politics
– Other thematic fields are welcome.
Conference languages: Lithuanian and English
Abstract should be submitted by filling this form. They cannot exceed 200 words and are expected to be submitted until April 3rd, 2019.
Conference programme will be announced on April 5th, 2019.
For further inquiry: