International discussion on global development issues
On the 19th of April international discussion „Focus on development: development cooperation policies and challenges“ will take place at the Faculty of Political science and diplomacy of Vytautas Magnus university. The discussion will focus on the issues covering global development problems and the development cooperation and policy agendas of different international organizations and national priorities.
The speakers – Arnoldas Pranckevičius, head of Lithuanian representation of the European Commission, Beth Richardson, representative of Canada Embassy for the Baltic states, prof. Alpo Rusi, Finnish diplomat, ambassador, professor and Violeta Motulaitė, Lithuanian diplomat, ambassador, head of development cooperation department of Lithuanian ministry for foreign affairs- will discuss the challenges and perspectives within global development cooperation.
The moderator of the discussion dr. Sima Rakutiene, vice-dean at the Faculty of political science and diplomacy- highlights that “EU is a leading donor in global development aid but in Lithuania this policy still does not attract much of attention”.
The event will take place at 11.00, in VMU Small Hall ( S.Daukanto g. 28), on Thursday,19th of April. For more information please contact