Czezlaw Milosz centre

The main objectives and targets of the scientific activities of the Czesław Miłosz Slavonic Studies Centre are: research of Cz. Miłosz’s homeland – the historically formed Lithuanian Midland region including complex research of historical cultural models and their impact on Cz. Miłosz’s literary works; research into Polish identity in Lithuania as well as the cultural self-awareness of Poles; the cultural aspect of interaction between Baltic and Slavic cultural phenomena; changes in the cultural behaviour of the Russian Diaspora in Lithuania in the first half of the 20th century; analysis of relations between Lithuanians, Poles and Russians (cultural, political aspects); stimulation and optimization of cultural relations between Lithuania and Slavic countries – Poland, Belarus and Russia. Fundamental research has looked at Lithuanian Midland culture; the history of interaction between Balts and Slavs: cultural phenomena.

The strategy of the Czesław Miłosz Centre is based on the overall strategy of Vytautas Magnus University. The main priorities of the center are: openness to the world, dissemination of the liberal mind, application of the means of communication and media in the environments of science and education, intensive participation in the reform of Lithuanian higher schools of education and the development of international relationships and fostering research in and knowledge of Slavonic culture.

Czezlaw Milosz centre

  • V. Putvinskio str. 23 – 507, LT-44243 Kaunas, Lietuva
  • Ph. (+370 37) 32 78 43
  • E-mail:

Head of the center – Assoc. professor Rūstis Kamuntavičius
