Apskrito stalo diskusija „Gulaginio ir pogulaginio sąmoningumo tyrimai“
Apskritojo stalo diskusija, kurioje pagrindinį pranešimą skaitys prof.dr. Natalja Artementko „Kataleptinis sąmoningumas: kalba kaip tylos figūra”
Diskusijos dalyviai:
prof.dr. Josip Zanki, Kroatijos Menų akademija,
prof.dr. Gintautas Mažeikis, VDU
N. Artemenko yra Sankt-Peterburgo valstybinio universiteto, Filosofijos instituto profesorė, plėtoja tyrinėjimus fenomenologijos srityje. Savo pranešime kalbės apie traumos įvykį ir šnekėjimą kaip nutylėjimo būdą, remdamasi Aušvico ir Gulago prisiminimais.
Diskusija vyks anglų kalba.
N. Artemenko pranešimo anonsas:
What could be meant by «trauma»? Trauma can be regarded as a single event which has actually occurred and has fundamentally changed life of society, has shifted self-perception people had and greatly changed the potential future for these people. Trauma can also stand for some process which started to unfold after a catastrophic event and remains ongoing. Assuming a fact that that trauma can be regarded in various ways, it can also stand for some situation of deprivation, when people realize that they were deprived of something, trying to find or regain what was lost through the present. At the same time, trauma can be regarded as a story line, when we realize that something has happened and try to tell about it in different ways in various genres, using the same or very similar images. By trauma we can also mean something which is called a unifying event, i.e. that something which creates us. Trauma is not something naturally existing, but on the contrary it is constructed by the society; individual and social traumas are very different. There is also a gap between the event and its representation: this gap is the trauma process. All of us, regardless of specifics of history of the nation we belong to, exist in a post-catastrophic time and bear the burden of responsibility for past but not fully comprehended horrors. Deep experiencing of a catastrophic event, a collapse of all usual human relationships, prearranges a transition to cataleptic consciousness, practicing oblivion and forming a particular subject, i.e. a post-traumatic subject, a subject of time-after, who gets crucified between the ever-lasting pain, i.e. something that never ceases to generate pain, something which remains in memory, and a power of oblivion, functioning as a defense mechanism. The relation between memory and trauma represents a very central focus in the memory and trauma studies and has been analysed by several scholars.